New York State Electric & Gas/Rochester Gas and Electric’s Customer Bills Also Surge
NYSEG/RG&E covers one of the largest physical areas of New York’s energy utilities. It provides service from the North Country to North Salem down in Westchester, and from Western New York to the Capital Region and down into the Hudson Valley.
Like all of New York’s other utilities, the cost of natural gas used by NYSEG/RG&E surged due to distribution disruptions, supply chain issues and the abnormally cold January/February period. This resulted in huge increases in natural gas costs (and fuel oil and propane for those consumers that use them to heat and/or cook) and, since most electricity in New York is generated by burning natural gas, the price surge affected electricity prices. The result, PULP and many elected officials and community based organizations are hearing of bills doubling or tripling.
Please note that NYSEG/RG&E also has some numbers of customers on Time of Use Rates, which the Companies call “Day/Night” rates. Those rates may have intensified the effects of the increase for some customers.
Here are some suggestions.