PULP Opposes Niagara Mohawk’s Interim Gas Efficiency Program

As part of the Niagara Mohawk natural gas rate proceeding, a settlement process was begun to establish interim energy efficiency programs, pending the completion of the overall case. The interim programs would aid customers in reducing their gas consumption, and will be in place for the coming winter heating season. PULP, an active participant in the process, did not sign the “Joint Proposal” of other parties seeking PSC approval. PULP opposes the “Joint Proposal” because it did not increase the amount of money from last year, even though far higher bills are expected in the coming year. As a result there is no increase in funds designated for low income consumers to benefit from the energy efficiency and weatherization programs, and the proposal would require low income consumers to pay into the program even though only a small fraction would be able to participate. PULP urged that the entire amount of the $5 million program be allocated to low income efficiency programs or, alternatively, that the program be expanded to $8 million with $5 million allocated to low income customers.

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